Den besværlige fritaksretten. Om klagesaker og henvendelser gjort til fylkesmannsembetene knyttet til Opplæringsloven §2-3a.

Master i religionsvitenskap

SKAM i skolen

Praksisartikkel om SKAM i KRLE-faget.

Women, as violent as men? A look into gender in the Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular

Popularisering av min masteroppgave om kjønn og vold i kampen mot regjeringen etter kuppet i Honduras i 2009.

Gendered resistance(?): is gender significant in the “National Popular Resistance Front” of Honduras?

Masteroppgave i studieprogrammet peace and conflict transformation ved Universitetet i Tromsø.

«The object of this thesis will consider the importance of gender in the “National Popular Resistance Front” of Honduras (Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular), and if gender is significant in this movement and in its choice of actions and choice not to arm themselves with firearms. The scope of this thesis is limited to a number of the member organizations and participation in actions and demonstrations to answer these questions.»