
Her presenteres de ulike fagene som er en del av min doktorgradsutdanning. Opplæringsdelen av doktorgradsutdanningen består av ulike fag på tilsammen 30 studiepoeng fordelt på obligatoriske og selvvalgte aktiviteter


WNGERII905 – Qualitative Analyses, Ethics and Reflexivity

Institusjon: Universitetet i Bergen
Forskerskole: WNGERII
Studiepoeng: 1
Semester: 2022 Vår

As research literature on the collection of qualitative research material for educational research is extensive, the literature on various forms of qualitative analysis is far more scarce and scattered. The seminar will therefore focus on the process of qualitative analysis as well as how to explicitly describe and discuss this process in the PhD-thesis. The course will take the participants own projects as a point of departure and pay specific attention to the development of categories, ethical challenges and issues concerning reflexivity in the analytical process.

VITHF900 – Vitskapsteori og etikk

Institusjon: Universitetet i Bergen
Studiepoeng: 10
Semester: 2022 Vår

VITHF900 (10 ECTS) gir Ph.D.-kandidatar innføring i forskingsetikk og viktige område innan vitskapsteori, med vekt på humaniora og forholdet mellom forsking og samfunn. I tillegg til forelesingar og diskusjonar om desse tema på seminara, får kandidatane også høve til å utvikle ei lengre oppgåve i vitskapsteori og/eller etikk med direkte relevans for kandidaten sitt fagfelt eller avhandling. Kandidaten utviklar oppgåva si i ein rettleia og deliberativ prosess, i  samspel med representantar frå SVT og ei lita gruppe medstudentar.

Inclusion and diversity. Fundamental questions to be asked at Ph.D.-level

Institusjon: NLA Høgskolen og VID vitenskapelige høgskole
Forskerskole: WNGERII
Studiepoeng: 1
Semester: 2022 Vår

The main course goal is to introduce Ph.D. students to some fundamental questions within the inclusion and diversity debate in contemporary research and develop their understanding of some main controversies in education. More specifically, the Ph.D. students will develop their understanding of different approaches to the phenomenon of disability and how the diversity debate relates to the special case of disability regarding inclusion. Likewise, the Ph.D. students will develop their comprehension of how the intercultural issue pertain to inclusive education and shed light on the concept of inclusion compared to the contribution from special education.

WNGERII903 – Mixed Methods Research

Institusjon: Universitetet i Bergen
Forskerskole: WNGERII
Studiepoeng: 3
Semester: 2021 Høst

“The main course goal is to introduce PhD students to mixed methods research and show examples of how to carry out MMR in your doctoral thesis. Throughout the course, the PhD students will develop their understanding of how to design MMR, collect quantitative and qualitative data, analyze these multiple data sources, and report it as a coherent whole in their own doctoral thesis. The course aims to develop the PhD students’ abilities to understand the ontological, axiological, epistemological, and methodological implications of MMR in their own doctoral thesis.”

PHDOF901 – Basiskompetanse i Universitetspedagogikk

Institusjon: Universitetet i Bergen
Studiepoeng: 5
Semester: 2021 Høst

“Gjennom kurset skal kandidatene lære ulike måtar å planlegge og gjennomføre undervisning for og rettleiing av studenter på. Kandidaten skal og få innsikt i ulike vurderingsformer. Gjennom kurset vil kandidaten opparbeide seg kunnskap om sentrale tema og problemstillingar innan det universitetspedagogiske feltet.”

PhD relay – Gender perspectives in research

Institusjon: Universitetet i Bergen
Studiepoeng: 1
Semester: 2021 Høst

“The seminar starts with a two hour course on gender perspectives in research. Read more about the course below.

After the course each candidate presents their work (15 minutes), followed by a discussion (15 minutes). You can present your overall PhD-project, or choose specific gender-related  problems relevant for your dissertation. This is an opportunity to receive feedback from experienced gender researchers as well as the other participants.”

DUH157 – Contemporary perspectives on diversity, inclusion and education

Institusjon: Universitetet i Stavanger
Studiepoeng: 5
Semester: 2021 Høst

“This interdisciplinary course focuses on the roles of theories, methods and ethical considerations in PhD research into issues of socio-cultural diversity and inclusion in education. It will also approach the interrelationship between these three aspects.”